
How do you remove glue from hair extensions?

I bought some extensions for 60 dollras a pack and i want to keep my hair!Yet they have glue on them...I want to reuse them so how do i remove the glue off the tracksHow do you remove glue from hair extensions?
They do sell a glue remover at most stores. Some say use baby oil but I don't think it actually dissolves the glue. Either way you've got some work in front of you. Good luckHow do you remove glue from hair extensions?
Shampoo should do the trick...you can buy a shampoo brush for about $1 at the beauty supply and brush through the track while you shampoo it, so it doesn't get tangled.....for $60 a pack, I don't blame you for wanting to reuse them. Yikes! You can also use glue remover, but a lot of people are allergic. Only use the remover if you are certain that you are not allergic to it.

Hope this helps.
if you've had the hair in a lot then i would toss them and get new hair... its hard to remove the glue off the tracks... and unless you've kept the hair in top condition, chances are its gonna start to look dry and damaged. I would just invest and get new ones and re-glue them in.

