If they are clip ins, it's easy for you to take them out to wash them and care for them, which makes your best bet natural. They are actually sometimes cheaper than synthetic (especially the kind that can withstand heat) and since you can take them out, they'll last a lot longer. They also blend in with your natural hair much better.What type of hair extensions last longest and work best?
Clip In Extensions DONT just fall out if installed CORRECTLY. I have been wearing clip ins for nearly 5 years now with out any problems. Sewn in wefts are yukky, bulky and uncomfortable, therfor never recommend those. I would either get clip ins, fusion or micro link extensions, but clip ins are great if you want instant length , thickness etc instantly, and also they last longer than fusion, especially if you keep them maintained and dont wear them to bed etc...
We are one of only 5 Hair Salons in the country that do all three Great Lengths Hair Extensions. We do Great Lengths Fusion, Great Lengths Cold Fusion and Great Lengths Air Pressure. I can honestly say that Great Lengths is one of the best Hair Extension Systems in the world. Look, I have done over 4800 Hair Extensions. I wouldn鈥檛 lie to you. Great Lengths is a great product. The Hair Lasts for up to 6 months, the bonds are very strong, the hair doesn't tangle, and the quality is great. Great Lengths buys 6 tons of hair a month direct from temples in India. They have a scope of purchasing power, labs, processing that is gigantic, and can't be beat. They put together an A+ product. That is why celebs love to use it.
Now, there are some other companies that have great products also. HairDreams is a great hair extension line, and their Laser Method for high speed attachments is second to none. I recommend them very much.
For Non Keratin based methods, I recommend, Remylinks, which is the top of the line, adjustable hair extension method.
One thing to know is choosing your extension method also depends on price. If you can afford to spend $1200-$1500 and up for the above 3 methods to START for length, you are fine. Otherwise methods such as SoCap are OK, and you can always use a seamless method like Ultratress if you on a budget of around $500.
Figure out your price range and your goals. I hope the above information helps you, and good luck in your hair extension search.
most good hairdressers have them ask for real hair hair extensions( they are thoroughly washed) as i know this coz my sis has them and they are dyeable washhable nearly evrythingable!!
Sewn in extensions last longer.Don't get clip ins,they fall out.
Man, just get you three packs of and get it sewn in. no offense but you got to be white using clip on extensions...