
How much do legit clip in hair extensions cost?

I just want kinda like a longer bottom layer on my hair, not too much longer than it is now because i want it to look real. Where can i buy natural looking clip in blonde extensions and about how much do they cost? Is real hair much more expensive than synthetic? And do extensions made of human hair eventually dry up and need replacing? I dont know much about this,. Please help!How much do legit clip in hair extensions cost?
i get all of my blonde ones at a hair extension/weave/wig shop. real hair at a weave shop for african americans is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than sallys. you cut your own tracks and sow some $1.79 (for a 3 pack at sallys) clips in...and have homeade clip in extensions custom fit to what you want.

so find a weave shop...and get a pack of hair...go to sallys, buy hair extension clips...have some needle and thread..................................you will have saved yourself a lot of money, i mean ALOT of money.

and hair never dries up, haha. you can wash it and re-use it. I have even dyed some of my extensions.

but sallys extensions are WAY expensive...so find a weave/wig shop near you.

and if you dont know how to sew on the clip to the extensions, play around with it...and if you still cant get it, go onto youtube and research it.

there are also many other ways to have extensions...like sewing them in. just research it on youtube

hope this helped :DHow much do legit clip in hair extensions cost?
Well since you are caucasin i would reccomend the jessica simpson ones but they're overpriced and not very natural. Find a local hair place, you may wanna ask a few black friends where they get there hair from. Human hair runs btwn $50 - $200 but are really good quality and totally worth it. Hair is cheaper on the east coast then the west coast so that could also be a reason the price varies.Make sure you get weave tracks not braiding hair. You'll have to sew on the wig clips your self but they're tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Human hair extensions are just like you hair theyre very natural and come in different textures, styles and lengths. It can be dyed, styled and everything! They can dry up just like regular hair if you dont take care of them. The more you take care of them the less you'll have to replace them. Hope I helped!
I always get my hair extensions from http://www.HeadKandy.com I've been using them for about 3 years now, the sets last ages, the first ones I bought 3 years ago are still in great condition. They're so reasonably priced for what you get, they're so thick. If you just wanted to have a few in the bottom then they also sell single strips and quad wefts which is 4 strips of hair on one weft. They're all human hair, they don't sell synthetic hair. Synthetic hair is rubbish, it looks fake and it falls out. Trust me Headkandy are amazing, you'll love them :)
Clip In hair extensions costs depend on a number of factors. Type of hair, length, and amount of hair. Real hair extensions of course cost more than the synthetic ones. I recommend going to a quality hair extensions salon for the best in hair extensions options, and finding the best clip in hair extensions that match your hair.
I got my extension off ebay and I've had them for a couple months and they are still in good condition. The cost depends on how much you get and how long but it will range from 20 to 30 dollars to get good human hair off ebay.

I would recommend human hair because synthetic sucks and as long as you condition your extension then you wont have to replace them.
I'm the same, my hairs long but i want it that little bit longer so it looks fuller and nicer when curled etc.

I have a full set of clip in human hair extensions which you can dye, curl, wash, dry, straighten whateva!! this is better than synthetic because u arn't able to do all the above with that so its not as versailte and generally more expensive. Plus i had some jessica simpson synthetics hair and after 3 days i had to wash them n i hung them to dry, a radiator came on and singed the ends! They had to be thrown away.

My human hair costs me arounf 拢40 and looks great, no1 knows im wearing them.

I get them from www.additonallengths.co.uk - delivery is only a day and u could even send a sample in so they match ur hair for u.

They're easy to put in, lots of clips so they stay in all day and last ages. As long as u look after them, you can easily wear them for up to a year. Can also get them trimmed at hair dressers

Hope i've helped :D xx
I got mine at sally beauty supply for $90. If you get the real hair, it will last longer.

