I already have very long hair but I want it to look longer %26amp; thicker for a wedding I'm going to on Saturday.
Any idea how much they usually cost?How much do hair extensions normally cost?
ok, lol NOT 700..
you can get them at Sally's for $75-100 real human hair ones too..not too bad.. i love mine!How much do hair extensions normally cost?
Actually it depends on you ethnicity. If your black the hair cost 20 and up depending on how long you want it and the name of the company. Motown is a very good company. Its best to go to a black hair store because they have more selection to chose from. Yes if your white you can go there too they don't have a wide range of blonde colors but you can get silky hair there too. Now if your looking for blonde that usually starts at 75 and up. With the weave you can do it yourself if you know what your doing or get a friend who knows how to do it put it in for you. Sewing is the healthiest for your hair but you can glue it in to, but if you use glue let the hair get loose on its own and you'll know when bcuz it will start slipping out. Then you can just pull the tracks off. If it hurts while your pulling them off then its not time to do it yet. once all tracks are out put conditioner where the glue is on your hair and massage it in don't be afraid to use a lot of conditioner when you feel it getting loose then come it out. Just depending on how your hair texture is you may have to wash your hair a few times to get it all out. Now if you white I wouldn't try this cuz I don't know how this method would work for your hair. You can also use hair grease and a blow dryer to loosen the glue but make sure when you comb it out you clean the comb really well cuz it will be sticky. If you go to a salon to get it applied, the cost varys, it depends on how you want it applied and how many rows you want. Some places charge $10 a row or more so, it just depends. You can call around and see. For all the ladys that are paying 1000, you need to call me so I can hook you up cuz thats ridiculous or either go to a black salon and get it done cuz im sure it would be less than that, just make sure they have referrals or example of work they have done for women of your color.
My name is Patricia, from http://www.NYCHairSalon.com and and we perform over 35 Different Hair Extension Types, the most in the world, so I can give you the best honest answer.
Cost depends on a number of factors. The type of hair extension, the amount of hair used, the length of hair or the look desired. Also, geography plays a part. NYC, LA, Chicago, will be more expensive that smaller towns across the USA, due to expenses incurred by the salon.
A top of the line hair extension system like Great Lengths, HairDreams, Remylinks, will cost more because of the premium nature of the hair. It costs the salon more money to buy, hence the added costs to the customer. To add body to hair, figure you need $600 and up, to add length, figure $1500 and up.
There are more affordable methods. In general with what I said earlier, the duration the extension lasts, plays a factor in price also. If it last a couple of months, it will be cheaper than something that lasts up to 6 months. You can get a system like UltraTress and Simplicity for around $500, which is an affordable option.
Be careful just judging on price. If it cost $200 for full head of hair extensions, stay away. They will probably destroy your hair.
Use only 100% Natural Remy Human Hair Extensions. Avoid Synthetic, and make sure the person is a licensed hair dresser.
Good Luck in your search,
Well when I go to the salon..they cost me about $1100...they turn out great. i get them done every 2 months
but if you want to do it by yourself its not that hard.. just go to a beauty supply store and get the color hair you want.and buy the glue... and all you have to do is part your hair..put the glue on the edge of the hair you bought...and stick it to your scalp and then blow dry to dry the glue.. its soo easy..
but getting them done is definitely better.
it depends on where you go...
If you want real loking extensions your looking at at least 700, thats if they dont have to add much. My hair is shoulder length and I had them do them to bra length and add fullness, it was 1200...and then 400 every three months. Needless to say I only kept it for a year and when I took em out it was worse than before!!! It damaged my hair alot and it has taken 9 months to get it some what better.
I now use the jesica simpson hair-do removable extensions they are about 120, and you use them when you want to...I love them!!!
about 600 dollars 20 dollars per strike
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