
How would you know your hair extension is not from dead people?

I know that people donate/sell their hair when they are alive. But at the moment you wear somebody's hair on your head, how could you know they are dead or not? Would they...haunt you?

Would it be bad luck or something?How would you know your hair extension is not from dead people?
You would know this because you would have common sense to know that the people that walk in the salon that have the long hair are not dead, because they walked into the salon. Hair extension companies use hair from expensive salons and hair that is given to the company from the people who come in and get their hair cut, so yeah. They're not dead. Also, not all hair extensions are fake, or that would be called hannah montana. Her wig is made out of fake hair that looks real but its made from plastic materials. My hair extensions are real people hair, from california.How would you know your hair extension is not from dead people?
because extensions are fake hair and if it really was from dead people the hair would have a natural feeling to it not dry and rough and also if you tried to straighten the extension the fake hair would automatically burn
Eeewww!! I never even thought about that. I don't have extensions but would, until now, have liked to get them. I think I would be creeped out. Weird.
hah i thought about that the other day cause i have extentions... i was all thinking about that movie the eye...lol

